To Our Families
Facts about funerals and COVID-19
UPDATED: July 24, 2020
Rodenberger-Gray Funeral Home prioritizes the health and well-being of our associates and guests. We understand this is a fluid situation and are monitoring and evaluating developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Updated funeral home guidelines are as follows:
The State of Ohio has now begun to open public business and guidelines seems to be changing everyday. Currently, the State has issued that masks are a mandatory requirement inside any public building and outside when a six foot distance cannot be maintained. A full explanation can be found at
This is the first time we have had to deal
with this type of situation and are at a loss on how to handle things. We understand
how important a visitation, funeral and or memorial service are to our
community and want to do whatever it is in our power to follow your wishes. We will do our part to help eliminate the spread of this virus. Traditional
services including a casketed burial will still take place, just with restrictions
on attendees. Church funerals are on a church by church basis. We can also postpone things to a later date and or hold an additional
memorial service later at no charge. Below are a couple more helpful guidelines
to get us through these trying times.
Per the CDC, we do ask that those at risk or those not feeling well to stay home. You can reach out to the family via the memorial webpage at to leave a message or send a card to the funeral home and we will see the family will get it. Lastly, we are also offering the availability to record the funeral service at our facility, which then can be uploaded to the person’s tribute page online or even livestream the event. The main purpose is that it will allow people to stay at home and still observe the service without a chance of infecting others or being infected. This may be a possibility at a church as well. Depending on the internet connection.
In addition to communicating best health and safety practices to our associates and guests, Rodenberger-Gray Funeral Home has implemented enhanced cleaning throughout our locations:
- Associates have been reminded of and encouraged to use good hand hygiene and cough etiquette habits.
- Heightened daily disinfection practices for high-touch surfaces
We encourage you to follow the CDC recommendation to take the usual steps to help prevent the spread of illness:
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm or inner elbow
- Avoid close contact with sick people
- Stay home when you are sick or not feeling well.
Additional information is available at the CDC website:
Additional information from the Ohio Department of Health:
Director's Order
FInally, we are here for you and will always be no matter what the situation. Please feel free to call us or email us and we can discuss your questions or concerns.
-The Rodenberger-Gray Funeral Home Staff
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